What percentage of Egyptian women wear the hijab or niqab because of pressure or judgment from other women (mothers, sisters, female friends)?

Project Coordinator


  1. This question is not accurate because it can not determine the proportion of wearing the hijab and the veil in particular, how can determine the number of wearing the hijab or the veil on the face of coercion
    No one has to force women to wear hijab or niqab
    And talk about being forced to wear the veil or hijab is one of the words such as abnormal

  2. No one can answer about percentage, but from my experience with people who I know,NO WOMEN wear hijab or niqap because of pressure or judgment from other women, but they wear it to close from Allah,and because they are very timid.MAY BE THERE IS SOME WHO WEAR hijab or niqab because of pressure FROM another women but not more.

  3. thank you dr fatma
    i agree with you for your comment because NO WOMEN wear hijab or niqap because of pressure or judgment from other women
    and i want to say some thing
    we don't know exactly What percentage of Egyptian women wear the hijab or niqab because of pressure or judgment from other women (mothers, sisters, female friends)? because the ignorance with numbers language
