Is it possible in Egypt for women to have close friends that are men or vice versa. As an American women I have many platonic friends who are men and my fiance has many female friends as well. Is this allowed or even given the chance to occur? Or are women and men not around each other enough for them to develop a friendship? Univ. of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA

1 comment:

  1. This question is very difficult and complex. It depends very much on your definition of "friend", but i will try to answer it, first i am a Muslim woman and i see this topic related with Islam not to Egypt. In Islam the man and woman can speak together and co-operate with other in the work but with conditions like they don't say bad words they deal with a polite and respectful way and keep some distance, not saying anything inappropriate. Finally in my opinion i think friendship between men and women is very dangerous, difficult, complex and sensitive because God creates us and knows very well that men admire women and vice versa,SO I THINK THEY CAN DEAL WITH EACH OTHER BUT WITH SOME DISTANCE AND CARE. i can answer clearer after i knew what you mean exactly about friend ship?
