Is a woman's proper place in the home cooking, cleaning and taking care of children? Is it OK for women to have a career instead of children?

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  1. Sumyia YusufMarch 06, 2010

    I can't say home cooking and cleaning is a proper place for women but i think the majority choose to play that role and most of them enjoy taking care of their homes (it is a part of our culture and a principle which we grew up learning).It is OK for women to have a career, most of women here in Egypt work beside taking care of their children even in the most restrictive countries like Kingdom of Saudi Arabia it is OK for women to have career and there are many successful business women too.But i think it is rare to find a woman approve to have a career INSTEAD of children.

  2. I think women's proper place is in the home but it is OK if women have a career and children because she can make balance between them. For example, I am a senior teaching assistant, wife, mother and soon I will have a PhD in accounting and I live a very good life with my husband.
    Afaf, Cairo

  3. Of women in her work takes effort and energy if done well done well, women are required to do the right of children, and to the affairs of the house, which consume the time the whole, women who work outside the home can not do the burdens house perfectly, but should fall short in the Aspects, which - of course - will have a negative impact on family life, successful
